Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My Little Pirates

This is our front yard, we have 2 big trees and they have flowers and are so pretty right now

Brian put 'pirate hats' (Noah's undies) on the boys and gave them swords and they were pirates. Brian plays the best games with the boys, they love him so much!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Luke loooves this bike, he climbs on himself, I could hardly believe it the first time I watched him. He's such a monkey.

This is our neighbor, he's a year older than Noah, but they play together so well

They were watching Monsters Inc together and screaming when the monsters came out, Luke was trying to copy them

We tried giving Luke a bottle, but he wasn't too interested. Noah is going to be 3 next month, we can't believe it! And Luke is 9 months, they grow too fast! We love this age though, they are so fun and discovering so many new things. The weather has been very warm, high 80's low 90's, so we're still adjusting to the warmth, but it's been nice. The boys are enjoying playing outside all day. Brian get's out of the military in a couple months, pretty crazy. Lots of changes coming up, keep us in your prayers!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Playing in the backyard, enjoying the warm summer heat

Brian on his way to work
Luke got his top 2 teeth a couple days

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Spider Man!

Noah and our neighbor were playing super hero! They both had Spider Man backpacks on too.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


This is Luke and his buddy Collin, I babysit a couple times a week for him

Noah has a new friend too. He loves to play with his friend Daniel from down the street

Monday, May 01, 2006

My new haircut

Today I went and chopped off all my hair! I was so nervous, but I'm really happy with it.